

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月2日巴库报道,英国石油公司在周一表示,自周六起,一项由英国石油公司主导的国际财团开始其首次从阿塞拜疆的巨型沙赫德尼兹气田向土耳其商业化输送天然气,这也是为了减少欧洲对俄罗斯能源供应的依赖。 欧盟通过开发被称之为南部天然气走廊(SGC),正在努力减少其对俄罗斯天然气的依赖,到2020年,预计每年将给欧洲带来约160亿立方米天然气。 天然气将来自阿塞拜疆的赫德尼兹二期气田,通过贯通土耳其的1850千米的跨安纳托利亚天然气管道(TANAP),487公里的南高加索管道穿过烂了阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚,以及878公里的跨亚德里亚管道(TAP)穿越了希腊、阿尔巴尼亚和意大利。 英国石油表示,该项目投资约280亿美元,计划总共至少有26口水下油井、两个与桥梁相连的平台、500公里的水下管道和输油管,在靠近阿塞拜疆首都巴库附近的Sangachal终端进行大规模扩建,并扩建南高加索管道。 沙赫德尼兹一期气田自2006年以来一直在开采天然气,年天然气产量超过100亿立方米,沙赫德尼兹二期气田的天然气年产量预计将达到每年160亿立方米,其中100亿立方米将专门用于欧洲,60亿立方米将用于土耳其。 英国石油公司表示,沙赫德尼兹气田的总产量将达到260亿立方米,凝析油量将达到12万桶/天。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: BP starts first gas deliveries to Turkey from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II A BP-led international consortium started its first commercial deliveries of natural gas to Turkey from Azerbaijan’s giant Shah Deniz field from Saturday, BP said on Monday, part of efforts aimed at cutting Europe’s dependence on Russian energy supplies. The European Union is trying to cut its reliance on Russian gas by developing the so-called Southern Gas Corridor, which is expected to bring about 16 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas a year to Europe by 2020. The gas would come from the Shah Deniz II field in Azerbaijan via the 1,850 km the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) through Turkey, the 487-km South Caucasus pipeline extension through Azerbaijan and Georgia and the 878 km Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) across Greece, Albania and Italy. BP said with an investment of some $28 billion, the project had a planned total of at least 26 subsea wells, two bridge-linked platforms, 500-km of subsea pipelines and flowlines, a major expansion at the Sangachal Terminal near the Azeri capital Baku and an expansion of the South Caucasus Pipeline. The Shah Deniz I field, which has been pumping gas since 2006, produces more than 10 bcm of gas per year, and output from Shah Deniz II is expected to reach an annual 16 bcm of natural gas, with 10 bcm earmarked for Europe and 6 bcm for Turkey. Total production from the Shah Deniz fields will be up to 26 bcm of gas and up to 120,000 barrels of condensate a day, BP said.
