

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月3日消息,马来西亚最大的油气服务公司计划通过将其勘探和生产子公司进行IPO,筹资最高达7.5亿美元,旨在抓住最近全球油价上涨的时机。 知情人士透露,Sapura能源公司计划最早今年第四季度将其子公司在马来西亚证交所上市,Sapura 能源公司的市值37.2亿马来西亚林吉特(9.2亿美元)。 马来西亚石油公司直到去年年中之前还在裁员并削减成本,由于最近全球油价上涨,石油公司盈利能力开始上升。油价自去年7月以来已上涨56%。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Malaysian Firm Plans to Ride Higher Oil Prices With $750 Million IPO Malaysia’s largest oil and gas services company is planning to raise up to $750 million through an initial public offering of its exploration and production unit, in an effort to take advantage of the recent surge in global oil prices. Sapura Energy Bhd., which has a market capitalization of 3.72 billion ringgit ($920 million), is planning to list its unit on the local stock exchange as early as the fourth quarter of this year, people familiar with the plans said. Malaysian oil companies, which until the middle of last year were slashing jobs and cutting costs, are starting to see profitability rise due to higher global oil prices recently. Since July last year crude oil prices have gained 56%.
