Saipem与Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG公司签署合同,Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG由BP公司、SOCAR公司、Snam、Fluxys公司、Enagas公司和Axpo公司联合经营。
该EPCI(工程设计、采购、施工和安装)合同主要内容包括:跨越Adriatic海建设从阿尔巴尼亚沿海地区至意大利沿海地区的天然气管道。具体内容包括:进行海洋调查,安装36″ 105km长的海底管道,提供并安装海底光缆,进行预调试活动以及在阿尔巴尼亚和意大利地区建设相关设施。该管道西至意大利Puglia区的San Foca,该地的管道着陆点建设将采用微型隧道技术。
此海底管道最深处达海平面以下820米,管道建设工程将于2016年开始,届时将启用Castoro Sei 号半潜式铺管船和Castoro 10号驳船式铺管船。石油圈原创
来自/oil & gas observer 4月19日消息 编译/赵宁
The contract has been awarded by Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG, a joint venture between BP, SOCAR, Snam S.p.A., Fluxys, Enagas and Axpo.
The EPCI contract (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) involves the installation of a gas pipeline between the coastlines of Albania and Italy, across the Adriatic Sea. Specifically, the activities envisaged by the contract include marine surveys, the installation of a 36″ 105 km offshore gas pipeline, the supply and installation of an offshore fiber optic cable, pre-commissioning activities and civil works at the landfalls in both Albania and Italy. The landfall in Italy will be located at San Foca in Puglia and will be carried out using micro-tunnelling technology.
Offshore installation works, which at their deepest point will reach 820 meters below sea level, will be carried out using Saipem’s semisubmersible pipelay vessel Castoro Sei and the trench/pipelay barge Castoro 10. Works will commence in 2016.
- 赵宁
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