MELBOURNE 4月19日消息(路透社)— Chevron同意从2020年起每年向Western Australia州的Alinta Energy公司出售20,000兆焦耳的天然气,该部分天然气占Wheatstone工程家用天然气年度总产量的四分之一多。
Chevron澳大利亚总经理Roy Krzywosinksi发布声明称:“该合同的签订是Chevron在Western Australia州开拓家用天然气市场所迈出的重要一步。”
Wheatstone工程耗资290亿美元,将在2017年生产并出口LNG,并从2018年开始向Western Australian州供应家用天然气。
Chevron公司持有该工程64%的股权,而Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co (KUFPEC)公司、Woodside Petroleum公司、日本Kyushu Electric Power公司和Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO)公司则持有剩下的股权。
Chevron还持有North West Shelf工程的股权,Chevron通过向Western Australian州供应North West Shelf工程所生产的天然气,已经占有Western Australian洲10%的家用天然气市场份额。石油圈原创
来自rigzone 4月19日消息 编译/赵宁
MELBOURNE, April 19 (Reuters) – Chevron has agreed to sell 20 petajoules a year of gas from its Wheatstone project to Alinta Energy in Western Australia starting in 2020, securing a customer for more than a quarter of the domestic gas output from Wheatstone.
The contract, lined up at a tough time for producers looking to seal long-term deals amid a gas supply glut, is for seven years, Chevron said on Tuesday.
“This agreement is an important step in Chevron’s rapidly expanding domestic gas business in Western Australia,” Chevron Australia managing director Roy Krzywosinksi said in a statement.
The $29 billion Wheatstone project is due to start producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export in 2017 and start supplying the Western Australian domestic market from 2018.
At full tilt, the project will have a capacity of 8.9 million tonnes a year of LNG and 200 terajoules a day of domestic gas, with the gas being marketed separately by each of the project partners.
Chevron has a 64 percent stake, with the remainder owned by Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co (KUFPEC), Woodside Petroleum and Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power Co and Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO).
Chevron already supplies about 10 percent of the Western Australian market with gas from its share of the competing North West Shelf project.
- 赵宁
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