

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻社6月4日报道,日本前国会议员日前指出,在俄罗斯萨哈林岛和日本北海道岛之间建造油气输送管道项目将比拟议在这两个岛屿之间建造一座运输桥梁更为重要。 日本政治家、日本国会众议院前议员、支持发展俄罗斯-日本关系的铃木宗男认为在两个岛屿之间建造石油和天然气输送管道是两国之间经贸合作的一项最重要事情之一。 铃木宗男对俄罗斯卫星新闻社记者说:“在我看来,最好是尽快在萨哈林和北海道之间修建一条天然气和石油输送管道。” 他认为,这条管道建造应该放在首位,然后才是桥梁或隧道。 去年9月份,俄罗斯政府副总理舒瓦洛夫在东部经济论坛上提出了一项建议,建议通过建造一座铁路公路桥将日本最北端的北海道与俄罗斯的萨哈林连接起来。 日本当局表示,他们正在研究这个项目的可行性,但各方迄今尚未在这个问题上取得很大进展。 如果建成的话,这条穿过鞑靼海峡最狭窄部分连接库页岛南端和北海道的油气管道估计有7-10公里(4.3-6.2英里)长。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: Japanese Politician Advocates Building Sakhalin-Hokkaido Oil Gas Pipeline The former parliamentarian noted that this project would be more important than the proposed construction of a transport bridge between the islands. Muneo Suzuki, a Japanese politician and former member of the House of Representatives in the Japanese parliament and who is in favor of developing Russian-Japanese relations, considers the construction of oil and gas pipelines between Sakhalin and Hokkaido to be one of the top priorities in business cooperation between the two countries. “In my opinion, it would be better to quickly build a gas and oil pipeline between Sakhalin and Hokkaido,” the politician told Sputnik. The pipeline construction should come first, followed by a bridge or tunnel, he argued. A proposal to link the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido with Russia’s Sakhalin via a road-and-rail bridge was made by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov during the Eastern Economic Forum in September last year. Japanese authorities said that they were studying the feasibility of the project, but the parties have not yet achieved much progress on the issue. If constructed, the link would stretch from the southern tip of Sakhalin to Hokkaido across the narrowest part of the Strait of Tartary and is estimated to be 7 to 10 kilometers long (4.3-6.2 miles).  
