中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》6月6日德州欧文报道,美国埃克森美孚公司6日宣布,该公司日前已完成收购挪威能源巨头Equinor在巴西海上BM-S-8区块中持有的一半股权,BM-S-8区块包含拥有20亿桶石油储量的盐下卡尔卡拉油田(Carcara oilfield)的一部分。 埃克森美孚公司上游业务总裁布拉德•科森表示:“卡尔卡拉油田是在巴西海上发现的优质资源的一个极好的例子。我们将与我们的合作伙伴共同勘探和开发这些共享区块并贡献我们的深水技术和专业知识来进一步提高这一世界级资源的价值。” 卡尔卡拉油田预计将在2023年或2024年投产。埃克森美孚公司及其合作伙伴时下正在推进开发活动,包括概念选择和最后敲定所有剩余的商业协议。4月25日,在BM-S-8区块的Guanxuma远景区开始勘探钻井作业。 埃克森美孚公司目前持有BM-S-8区块36.5%的股权,而Equinor 持有36.5%的股权。Petrogal巴西公司和Barra 能源公司分别持有17%和10%的股权。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: ExxonMobil completes purchase of Carcara field interest, offshore Brazil ExxonMobil said it has completed the purchase of half of Equinor’s interest in the BM-S-8 Block, offshore Brazil, which contains part of the 2-Bbbl, pre-salt Carcara oil field. “The Carcara oil field is an excellent example of the quality resources to be found offshore Brazil,” said Brad Corson, president of ExxonMobil Upstream Ventures. “We’ll be working with our partners to explore and develop these shared blocks, and contributing our deepwater technology and expertise to further enhance the value of this world-class resource.” Production from the field is expected to start in 2023 or 2024. ExxonMobil and its co-venturers are advancing development activities, including concept selection and finalizing all remaining commercial agreements. Exploration drilling began on the Guanxuma prospect in BM-S-8 on April 25. ExxonMobil now holds a 36.5% interest in the BM-S-8 Block and Equinor holds 36.5%. Petrogal Brasil and Barra Energia each hold 17% and 10%, respectively.