

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月28日新加坡报道,阿曼国家统计和信息中心28日在其最新的月度公报中说,阿曼4月份原油出口量环比增加了8%,达到了86.313万桶/天。 月度公报中公布的统计数据显示,4月份阿曼共出口了2589万桶原油和凝析油,平均日出口96.775万桶原油,环比日增加大约710桶。 中国4月份仍然是阿曼原油的最大买家,中国4月份阿曼原油进口量占到阿曼4月份原油总出口量的78.53%,环比猛增了76.69%。 统计数据显示,日本4月份阿曼原油进口量占到阿曼当月原油出口总量的比例从3月份的1.62%飙升到了10.55%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Oman April crude exports jump 8% from Mar, exports to Japan rally Oman’s crude oil exports jumped 8% month on month to 863,130 b/d in April, the sultanate’s national center for statistics and information said in its latest monthly bulletin.
Exports of Oman crude totaled 25.894 million barrels in April, the ministry said in a statement.
The sultanate produced a total of 29.033 million barrels of crude and condensate in the month, averaging 967,750 b/d, the ministry said. This is up slightly from 967,045 b/d in March.
China remains Oman’s biggest customer, receiving 78.53% of its total exports in April, up from 76.69% a month earlier.
Exports to Japan surged to 10.55% of total exports in April from 1.62% in March.
