

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月29日贝鲁特报道,在黎巴嫩政府批准了由一个由法国道达尔公司、意大利埃尼公司和俄罗斯诺瓦泰克组成的国际财团提交的一项勘探计划以后,黎巴嫩在周二(29日)开始在本国海上寻找石油和天然气储量。 黎巴嫩能源和水资源部长卡萨·阿比·哈利勒在电视讲话中说,国际财团在黎巴嫩当局周一批准这个勘探计划后已开始进行勘探作业。他说,黎巴嫩希望在2018年底或2019年年初之前启动第二轮海上许可证出售招标。 今年2月份,黎巴嫩与上述国际财团签署了首份海上区块4和区块9的石油和天然气勘探和生产协议。 Block 9的一部分包含了与邻国以色列有争议的水域,但该国际财团说,它没有在有争议地区进行钻井作业的计划。 哈利勒表示,这两个区块的油气勘探作业将持续3年,第一口井预计将在2019年开钻,届时黎巴嫩政府所有部门将“按时、不延误地”发放必要的许可证。 在钻井作业开始之前,黎巴嫩将不会知道它的近海有多少油气储量。哈利勒说,国际财团将根据地震研究的结果在具有最高商业发现可能性的地区里钻取勘探井。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Lebanon Begins Offshore Oil And Gas Exploration Lebanon’s search for its first oil and gas reserves began on Tuesday after authorities approved an exploration plan submitted by a consortium of France’s Total , Italy’s Eni and Russia’s Novatek. Energy and Water Minister Cesar Abi Khalil said in a televised statement that exploration started after authorities gave the go ahead on Monday. Lebanon hoped to launch a second offshore licensing round by the end of 2018 or early 2019, he said. In February Lebanon signed its first offshore oil and gas exploration and production agreements with the Total-Eni-Novatek consortium for offshore Blocks 4 and 9. Part of Block 9 contains waters disputed with neighbouring Israel but the consortium has said it has no plans to drill in the disputed area. Khalil said exploration of the two blocks would last up to three years and the first well is expected to be drilled in 2019, all government departments grant necessary licenses and permissions “on time and without delay”. Until drilling begins Lebanon will not know what reserves lie in its waters. Khalil said exploratory wells will be dug in the areas with the highest probability of commercially viable discoveries based on seismic studies.  
