

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界海上石油新闻》5月22日伦敦报道,法国佩朗科公司日前从停泊在喀麦隆克里比海上的Hilli Episeyo浮式液化天然气(FLNG)装置运出了首批LNG货物。 由新加坡Keppel公司改建并由英国Golar公司拥有的Hilli Episeyo浮式LNG装置是世界上第一个经过改装的浮式液化船。它是由1975年建成的莫斯LNG运输船改装而成,具有12.5万立方米的储存能力。这个装置被设计成具有年液化大约240万吨LNG的能力。法国佩朗科公司在今年3月从喀麦隆Sanaga气田生产出了第一批LNG。 2015年,佩朗科公司和合作伙伴与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)达成协议,俄气麾下的子公司俄气营销和贸易新加坡分公司将是这个浮式LNG项目的独家承销商。俄气为此签署了一项为期8年每年承销120万吨LNG的协议。 按照原定计划,首批LNG的交付应该在去年下半年开始,但是由于这艘改装船在去年10月才离开新加坡船厂,改装船的延迟交付推迟了这个项目的投产。 李峻 编译自 世界海上石油新闻 原文如下: First cargo sent from world’s first converted FLNG vessel Perenco has reportedly shipped first cargo from the Hilli Episeyo FLNG unit moored offshore Kribi, Cameroon.
The Hilli Episeyo, owned by Golar and built by Keppel in Singapore, is the world’s first converted Floating Liquefaction (FLNG) vessel. It was converted from the 1975-built Moss LNG carrier with a storage capacity of 125,000 m3. It was designed for a liquefaction capacity of about 2.4 million tonnes of LNG per annum. It produced its first LNG from Sanaga field in March 2018. Back in 2015, Perenco and partners agreed with Russia’s Gazprom that Gazprom’s subsidiary, Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore Pte Ltd would be a sole off-taker from the floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project. Gazprom inked the eight-year agreement for 1.2 million tonnes per year. According to the original schedule, the first LNG deliveries should have begun in the second half of 2017, however, delays with the vessel delivery postponed the project, as the vessel only left the Singapore yard in October 2017.
