

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月23日新加坡报道,行业消息人士周三表示,越南时下正在考虑从7月1日起提高对石油产品进口征收的环境税。 市场消息人士称,越南财政部已向越南政府总理提议提高石油产品进口税,越南财政部的提议目前正在审核中。 越南的一位消息人士表示:“越南财政部已提出一项有关提高所有石油产品进口税的提议,但这项提议迄今还没有获得批准。” 有关税收建议的进一步细节无法立即得到证实。越南目前对石油产品进口每升征收3000盾(13美分)。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Vietnam considering raising import tax on oil products from July 1: traders Vietnam is considering raising the environment tax levied on oil product imports from July 1, industry sources said Wednesday.
The Ministry of Finance has proposed the hike to the country’s prime minister, and it is currently under review, market sources said. “There is a proposal [by the ministry] to raise taxes on the import of all oil products, but it is not confirmed yet,” one source in Vietnam said. Further details of the tax proposal could not be immediately confirmed. Vietnam’s current tax on oil imports is Dong 3,000(13 cents)/liter.
