中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月15日消息,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司旗下出口公司总经理Elena Burmistrova周二表示,俄气将自己视为在欧洲需求激增时可以保障欧洲天然气供应的“灵活供应商”。她表示,俄气预计欧洲天然气需求将继续增长,到2030年左右,欧盟将需要额外进口77亿立方米天然气,到2040年将需要额外进口88亿立方米天然气。Burmistrova 补充道:“在天然气供应安全问题上,欧洲比其他任何地区都得到了更好的保护。”她提到了新天然气管道项目,比如Nordstream 2和Turkstream管道项目。她表示:“我们已经准备好向欧洲提供尽可能多的天然气。” 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Russia to Provide Europe with ‘As Much Gas as it Needs,’ Gazprom Says Russia’s Gazprom sees itself as a “swing supplier” of gas to Europe at times of demand spikes, Elena Burmistrova, director general for Gazprom Export, said Tuesday. Gazprom, she said, expects natural gas demand in Europe to continue to grow and that the EU will need additional imports of 77 bcm by around 2030 and 88 bcm by 2040. When it comes to the security of gas supply, Europe is “better protected than any other region,” Ms. Burmistrova added, citing new gas pipeline projects to Europe like Nordstream 2 and Turkstream. “We are ready to provide Europe with as much natural gas as it needs,” she said.