

中国石化新闻网讯 据《海湾石油新闻》5月13日阿布扎比报道,阿布扎比国家能源公司(塔卡/Taqa)日前公布的统计数据显示,由于油气价格上涨以及电力和水业务改善,塔卡第一季度获得的收入同比增加了5%。 这家阿布扎比政府拥有多数股份的公司第一季度的收入从去年同期的41亿迪拉姆增加到了43亿迪拉姆。 塔卡第一季度的净利润同比猛增了42%,从去年同期的7700万迪拉姆大幅增加到了1.1亿迪拉姆。 塔卡董事长穆巴拉克在一份声明中说,由于塔卡上个月通过一次受到全球投资者强劲需求欢迎的债券发行成功筹集了17.5亿美元,塔卡正在不断加强其财务状况。塔卡时下正专注于优化其在油气业务的资产,同时研究电力和水领域的增长机会。 李峻 编译自 海湾油气新闻 原文如下: Taqa’s net profit up by 42% in Q1 2018 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, Taqa posted 5 per cent increase in revenues in the first quarter of 2018 due to increase in oil and gas prices and improvement in the power and water business. In the first quarter of 2018, the company, majority owned by the government of Abu Dhabi, reported revenues of Dh4.3 billion compared to Dh4.1 billion during the same period last year. Net profit of the firm rose by 42 per cent in the first quarter of 2018 to Dh110 million compared to Dh77 million in the first quarter of 2017. “The company is continually strengthening its financial position, as it successfully raised $1.75 billion last month through a bond issue that was greeted with strong demand from global investors. Taqa is concentrating on optimizing its assets in the oil and gas business, while studying growth opportunities in the power and water sector,” said Saeed Mubarak Al Hajeri, Chairman of Taqa in a statement.  
