DOHA (Bloomberg彭博社消息) — 16个产油国在Doha的协商会议结束,会议未能就限制石油产量达成协议,从而导致油价重跌。
尼日利亚石油部长Emmanuel Kachikwu在接受记者采访时表示:为达成预期结论,在卡塔尔首都举行的多哈会议耗时长达十个多小时,最终各方却未能达成一致。
伦敦Barclays Plc银行的一位分析师在4月15日表示:“多哈会议是OPEC改善自身形象的一个机会。自OPEC十二月份会议失败后,外界对OPEC的凝聚力表示怀疑。而多哈会议则是OPEC重新向外界展示组织凝聚力以及建设互信关系的良好机会。”石油圈原创
来自/worldoil 4月17日消息 编译/赵宁
DOHA (Bloomberg) — Negotiations between 16 oil producers in Doha ended without any agreement on limiting supplies, a diplomatic failure that threatens to renew the rout in prices.
The summit in the Qatari capital, which dragged on for more than ten hours beyond its initially scheduled conclusion, finished with no final accord, Nigeria’s Petroleum Minister Emmanuel Kachikwu told reporters.
Discussions stumbled over whether the agreement should extend to other producers such as Iran, which wasn’t present, according to a person familiar with the matter. The inability to reach consensus will lead to a “severe” drop in prices, Citigroup Inc. predicted before the meeting.
Brent crude, which sank to a 12-year low in January, has climbed almost 30% in the past two months as Saudi Arabia and Russia worked on the plan to cap crude production. While analysts doubted that any accord would have a significant impact on the global oil surplus, the inability to agree on a limit undermines any prospect of coordinated action to solve the oil crisis.
“The Doha meeting was an opportunity for OPEC to polish its tarnished image,” Miswin Mahesh, an analyst at Barclays Plc in London, said on April 15. “After the failure of OPEC’s December meeting, the market was uneasy about its cohesion and Doha was a chance for the group to reassert its relevance and build a circle of trust.”
- 赵宁
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