

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》5月3日米兰报道,埃尼公司3日在米兰宣布,该公司日前在位于埃及西沙漠西南Meleiha许可证区块的A-2X勘探远景构造上获得了石油发现。发现井距离锡瓦绿洲大约130公里,这是埃尼公司所钻的第一口勘探Faghur盆地深层地质序列的勘探井。 这口命名为SWM A-2井的勘探井钻到了5090米的总深度。发现井在石炭纪Dessouky地层的古生代砂岩中钻遇了18米高的轻质原油油柱。此发现井还在白垩纪Alam El Bueib砂岩中钻遇了其它油气资源。 此发现井在Dessouky砂岩中已开始生产,日产2300桶轻质原油(API度为32)和40万标准立方英尺伴生气。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Eni reports oil discovery in Egypt’s Faghur basin Eni announces an oil discovery on the A-2X exploration prospect in the South West Meleiha license, in the Egyptian Western Desert, some 103 km north of the oasis of Siwa. The well is the first one drilled by Eni to explore the deep geological sequences of the Faghur basin.
The exploratory well, named SWM A-2X, has been drilled to a total depth of 5,090 m and encountered 18 m of light oil in the Paleozoic sandstones of Dessouky formation of Carboniferous age. The well has also encountered other hydrocarbon levels in the Alam El Bueib sandstones of Cretaceous age.
The well has been opened to production in the Dessouky sandstones and delivered 2,300 bpd of light oil (32° API) and 0.4 MMscfd of associated gas.
