中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦4月27日消息,埃克森美孚负责投资者关系的副总裁Jeff Woodbury周五表示,埃克森美孚公司位于美国得克萨斯州贝城的一套新建150万吨/年的乙烷裂解装置计划在今年中期建成投产。
埃克森美孚近来已经开启了位于得州Mont Belvieu塑料工厂内的两条PE生产线,每一条生产线的PE产能均为65万吨/年。
张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻
原文如下: ExxonMobil expects mid-year start-up for new US cracker ExxonMobil plans a mid-year start-up for its new 1.5m tonne/year ethane cracker at its complex in Baytown, Texas, a company executive said on Friday. “This will enhance integration through lower feedstock costs for the associated polyethylene (PE) lines that started up in the fourth quarter of 2017,” said Jeff Woodbury, vice president investor relations. ExxonMobil has recently started up two PE lines at its plastics plant in Mont Belvieu, Texas. Each line has a PE capacity of 650,000 tonnes/year. The PE lines were mechanically complete in May, and production started on the first line in October. Both lines are now operating. The new cracker had previously been scheduled to start up in late 2017 to feed the new PE units. However, the project was delayed due to effects of the late-August Hurricane Harvey. ExxonMobil announced the mechanical completion of the cracker and the start of commissioning activities in early February.