

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月27日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥国家石油公司(墨国油/Pemex)周五在墨西哥城公布的财报显示,在油价上涨和汇率波动的帮助下,墨国油第一季度获得的净利润比去年同期大幅增加了29%。 财报显示,拉丁美洲最大石油公司之一的墨国油第一季度获得了1133亿比索的利润,其收入同比增加14%至3974亿比索。 墨国油说,该公司从不断上涨的油价中受益,原油价格在第一季度内从每桶44.15美元上涨到了每桶56.42美元,从而帮助墨国油把出口销售额提高了23.8%。 墨西哥比索在第一季度对美元升值超过7%。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Mexican State Oil Company Pemex Turns $6B Profit On Oil Prices Mexican state-run oil company Pemex said on Friday its net profit rose 29 percent in the first quarter compared with the year-earlier quarter, helped by higher crude prices and currency movements. The company, one of the largest in Latin America, reported a profit of 113.3 billion pesos ($6.2 billion) in the first three months of the year. Revenue rose 14 percent to 397.4 billion pesos. Pemex said the company benefited from growing crude prices, which rose to $56.42 from $44.15 in the quarter, helping push export sales up 23.8 percent. Mexico’s peso also strengthened more than 7 percent against the dollar in the first quarter.  
