

中国石化新闻网讯 据华盛顿普氏能源资讯 4月27日消息, 美埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)第一季度美国非常规石油产量同比增长18%,而雪佛龙(Chevron)的Permian产量增长约65%。 Permian推动雪佛龙/埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的季度产量创下纪录,限制了埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)全球产量下降。 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)并没有公布其日益增长的美国非常规石油产量,但副总裁杰夫•伍德伯里(Jeff Woodbury)表示,该公司目前正在Permian运营27个钻井平台,几乎达到了30年的年底目标,以及在巴肯的四个钻井平台。 今年第一季度,雪佛龙(Chevron)的Permian产量上升约10万桶/日,为25万桶/日。 雪佛龙首席财务长帕特•亚林顿在公司财报电话会议上表示:“我们预测,到2020年,Permian的非常规增长速度将达到每年30%至40%。”他还补充说,预计年底前将有20个操作平台和大约9个非运营合资企业的网络平台。 亚林顿说,第一季度产量增加的原因是,在2017年“非常末期”生产了几口油井,同时也增加了合资企业的活动。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 ExxonMobil’s first-quarter US unconventional production increased 18% year on year in the Permian and Bakken basins, while Chevron’s Permian production was up roughly 65%, the companies said Friday. * Permian drives record quarterly output for Chevron * ExxonMobil clearing constrained barrels * ExxonMobil global output declines ExxonMobil did not release volumes for its rising US unconventional output, but Vice President Jeff Woodbury said it is operating 27 rigs in the Permian — nearly meeting the year-end goal of 30 — and four rigs in the Bakken. Chevron’s Permian production in the first quarter was up about 100,000 boe/d year-on-year at 250,000 boe/d. “We forecast Permian unconventional growth of 30% to 40% annually through 2020,” Chevron Chief Financial Officer Pat Yarrington said during the company’s earnings call, adding that projection assumes running 20 operated rigs and roughly nine net rigs on non-operated joint-venture properties by year-end. The large Q1 production increase stemmed from putting several wells on production at the “very tail end” of 2017, and also increased joint venture activity, Yarrington said.
