

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月26日新加坡报道,由于利比亚原油产量反复无常以及围绕其基础设施的新的安全担忧削弱了亚洲买家对利比亚原油的兴趣,韩国对利比亚原油的需求今年迄今为止一直低迷。 根据韩国国家石油公司26日公布的统计数据,韩国今年第一季度从利比亚进口的原油数量同比大幅下降了56%,下降到了157.3万桶。 市场参与者说,布伦特原油对迪拜原油的价差的持续走强首先促使了韩国炼油企业把他们的注意力从与欧洲定价基准挂钩的利比亚轻质低硫原油移开。 布伦特/迪拜期货互换交易——布伦特原油对中东基准溢价的一个关键指标——4月迄今为止平均每桶溢价4.02美元,这是2014年6月平均每桶溢价4.54美元以来的最高水平。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: South Korean refiners shy away from Libyan crude oil South Korea’s appetite for Libyan crude oil has been lackluster so far this year and its demand could fall further as inconsistency in the North African producer’s output and renewed security concerns surrounding its infrastructure dents the Asian buyer’s interest.
South Korea’s crude oil imports from Libya in the first quarter tumbled 56% from the same period a year earlier to 1.573 million barrels, according to data released by Korea National Oil Corp.
The sustained strength in the Brent-Dubai price spread had initially prompted many South Korean refiners to shift their focus from the light sweet Libyan crudes that are linked to the European pricing benchmark, market participants said.
The Brent/Dubai Exchange of Futures for Swaps — a key indicator of Brent’s premium to the Middle Eastern benchmark — averaged $4.02/b so far this month, the highest since June 2014 when it averaged $4.54/b.  
