

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站4月26日休斯敦报道,由于瓦莱罗能源公司(瓦莱罗能源)从更高的炼油利润率中受益,这家美国独立炼油企业第一季度获得了好于预期的季度利润。 瓦莱罗能源说,炼油利润率——原油购买价和精制石油产品平均出售价之间的差异——在3月31日结束的第一季度里增加了6.1% 至22.1亿美元。 瓦莱罗能源拥有各种炼油厂,这些不同炼油厂允许瓦莱罗能源利用波动的原油价格差异,把低质量的原料加工成高附加值的石油产品。 统计数据显示,瓦莱罗能源第一季度可归于公司股东们的净收益从一年前的3.05亿美元或每股68美分猛增到了4.69亿美元或每股1.09美元。 根据汤森路透I/B/E/S,不包括特殊项目,瓦莱罗能源第一季度净收益为每股1美元,远远超过了分析师们平均估计的6美分。收入从217.7亿美元增加到了264.4亿美元。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Higher Refining Margins Boost Valero Profits Valero Energy Corp posted a better-than-expected first quarter profit as the independent U.S. refiner benefited from higher refining margins.
The company said refining margins, or the difference between buying of crude and average selling price of refined products, rose 6.1 percent to $2.21 billion in the first quarter ended March 31. Valero has a diverse set of refineries that allows it to take advantage of volatile crude price differentials and process lower-quality feedstock into high value refined products. Net income attributable to company shareholders rose to $469 million, or $1.09 per share, from $305 million, or $0.68 per share, a year earlier. Excluding items, Valero earned $1 per share, beating analysts’ average estimate by 6 cents, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. Revenue rose to $26.44 billion from $21.77 billion.
