

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月26日伦敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司周四公布的财报显示,由于油价上涨和产量增加,壳牌公司第一季度利润飙升了42%,达到了过去3年多来的最高水平。但是,由于现金流低于预测,这个石油巨头的股价出现了下降。 由于成本削减以及效率提高,壳牌公司在2017年在两方面击败规模更大的竞争对手美国埃克森美孚公司以后,外界预计壳牌公司在今年将继续创造强劲的利润和现金流。 尽管利润大幅超过预期达到了53亿美元,但由于现金流低于预期,壳牌公司的股价在格林威治标准时间10:25前下跌了2.1% . 巴克莱分析师在一份报告中说,在过去的几个月里,外界对大型石油公司的关注一直是现金流的回归,特别是考虑到强劲的第一季度利润对这个集团来说通常是季节性的。巴克莱分析师曾表示预期会出现负面的股票反映。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Shell Profit Soars On Higher Oil Prices, Cash Flow Disappoints Royal Dutch Shell reported on Thursday a 42 percent rise in first-quarter profit to its highest in more than three years on stronger oil prices and production, but its shares fell as the oil major’s cash flow missed forecasts. Expectations are high for Shell to continue generating strong profits and cash flow after the Anglo-Dutch company beat larger rival Exxon Mobil on both fronts in 2017 thanks to its cost cuts and higher efficiencies. But Shell’s shares slid 2.1 percent by 1025 GMT as cash flow fell short of forecasts, even though profits rose more sharply than expected to $5.3 billion. “The focus for the big oils in recent months has been the return to free cash flow, particularly given how strong Q1 normally is seasonally for the group,” analysts at Barclays said in a note, which had said it expected a negative share reaction.  
