

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻伦敦4月19日消息,IGP甲醇公司总经理James Lamoureaux表示,中国将继续成为全球甲醇生产商的关键市场,但印度作为新兴的甲醇消费国的地位正日益突出。 IGP目前正在美国路易斯安那州的Myrtle Grove新建一个全球最大的甲醇生产工厂。 该工厂将由4条相同的生产线组成,每条生产线的设计甲醇生产能力为180万吨/年,合计产能将达到720万吨/年。该工厂将利用美国墨西哥湾沿岸廉价的原材料,以及发展中国家日益增加对甲醇作为清洁燃料的需求。 唐绍红 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: China continues to drive global methanol market China continues to be the key market for methanol producers, but India is growing in prominence as a consumer, according to the managing director of producer IGP Methanol. IGP is currently developing a new methanol production complex in Myrtle Grove, Louisiana, US, that stands to be the world’s largest. To be made up of four identical trains with capacities of 1.8m tonnes/year apiece for a total of 7.2m tonnes/year, the installation is set to capitalise on cheap raw materials costs on the US Gulf coast and increasing demand for methanol as a clean fuel in the developing world.  
