

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站4月19日休斯敦报道,挪威国家石油理事会(NPD)19日在奥斯陆公布的初步统计数据显示,挪威在3月份平均日产190万桶石油、天然气液体和凝析油,环比平均日减4.6万桶。 挪威政府官员把3月份液体产量下降的原因归咎于一些油田出现的技术问题。 NPD说,挪威3月份平均日产152万桶石油、35.2万桶天然气液体以及2.9万桶凝析油。 挪威3月份石油产量比NPD预期低了5%,而今年迄今为止石油产量比NPD预期低了大约3%。 NPD没有提供有关技术问题的其它细节。以前,NPD曾说挪威液体产量预计将下降到2020年,这是因为挪威约翰斯维尔德鲁普大油田将在2020年投产,这个油田预计届时将日产66万桶原油。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Norway’s liquids production declined in March Norway’s preliminary production for March averaged 1.9 million b/d of oil, natural gas liquids, and condensate, marking a decrease of 46,000 b/d compared with February. Norwegian officials blamed the lower March production on technical problems on some fields. Average liquids production in March was a rounded 1.52 million b/d of oil, 352,000 b/d of NGL, and 29,000 b/d of condensate, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) said. March oil production was 5% lower than NPD’s forecast. Production for the year is running about 3% below NPD’s forecast so far. NPD provided few other specifics on the technical problems. Previously, NPD has said Norway’s production is expected to decline until 2020 when Johan Sverdrup oil field is scheduled to come on stream. It is anticipated to produce as much as 660,000 b/d by 2022.  
