

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月17日开罗报道,IEOC总经理法比奥·卡瓦纳周二表示,埃尼子公司IEOC的目标是在5月将埃及的祖尔油田的天然气产量提高到12亿立方英尺/日(bcf/d),并在2018年底将其提升到20亿立方英尺/日。 该油田于2015年由埃尼发现,估计有30万亿立方英尺的天然气。 埃及一直在寻求加速最近发现的油田的产量,并希望到2019年停止进口,并实现自给自足。 金丹红 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Eni’s IEOC aims to increase gas production from Egypt’s Zohr field to 1.2 bcf/d in May Eni subsidiary IEOC aims to increase gas production from Egypt’s Zohr field to 1.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) in May, and lift it to 2 bcf/d by the end of 2018, IEOC general manager Fabio Cavanna said on Tuesday. Discovered in 2015 by Eni, the field contains an estimated 30 trillion cubic feet of gas. Egypt has been seeking to speed up production from recently discovered fields, with an eye to halting imports by 2019 and achieving self-sufficiency.
