

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社4月9日斯德哥尔摩报道,伦丁石油公司(Lundin Petroleum AB)宣布,其全资子公司伦丁挪威公司已开始在巴伦支海(Barents Sea)南部的PL609的阿尔塔发现钻探钻井 7220/11-5。 钻井完成后,该口井将用于延长井测试。 阿尔塔发现位于巴伦支海南部的PL609,距挪威海岸线约160千米。 这一发现是在2014年完成的,目前已经完成了3个成功的评价井。 位于PL492的邻近的Gohta发现与更大的Alta发现一起被认为是一种可能的联合开发机会。 据估计,阿尔塔和Gohta发现的总资源储量范围在11500到39000万桶标油之间。 在油区将钻探一口700米长的水平井,这将提高二叠纪-三叠纪岩溶性和裂缝性碳酸盐岩储层的横向地质认识。 延长井测试的主要目标是证明可持续生产率,并减少该储层恢复机制周围的不确定性,为进一步开发研究打下基础。 半潜式钻机Leiv Eiriksson将用于阿尔塔发现的钻井和测试。 该口井将通过钻机进行大约两个月的测试,产出的量将通过一条挠性出油管流入油轮。 扩展井测试的成功结果将为进一步评估钻井和现场开发活动提供重要的信息。 钻探和测试预计需要140天。 挪威伦丁公司是PL609的作业者,拥有40%的工作权益。 合作伙伴为DEA Norge AS和Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS,各拥有30%的工作权益。 蔡小全 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: Lundin Norway begins drilling for extended well testing of Alta discovery Lundin Petroleum AB has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Lundin Norway AS has commenced drilling well 7220/11-5 on the Alta discovery in PL609 in the southern Barents Sea. Following drilling, the well will be used for extended well testing. The Alta discovery is located in PL609 in the southern Barents Sea, approximately 160 km from the Norwegian coastline. The discovery was made in 2014 and three successful appraisal wells have been completed to date. The adjacent Gohta discovery located in PL492 is considered a possible joint development opportunity together with the larger Alta discovery. The combined gross contingent resource range for the Alta and Gohta discoveries is estimated to between 115 and 390 MMboe. A 700-m long horizontal well will be drilled in the oil zone, which will improve the lateral geological understanding of the Permian-Triassic karstified and fractured carbonate reservoirs. The main objectives of the extended well test is to prove sustainable production rates and reduce the uncertainty around the recovery mechanism in this reservoir to provide the basis to progress development studies. The semisubmersible drilling rig Leiv Eiriksson will be used for the drilling and testing at Alta. The well will be tested through the rig for about two months and the produced volumes will be flowed via a flexible flowline to a tanker. Drilling and testing is expected to take 140 days. Lundin Norway is the operator of PL609 with a 40% working interest. The partners are DEA Norge AS and Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS with 30% working interest each.
