

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》4月8日新加坡/首尔报道,5名行业消息人士表示,由于韩国石化企业已转向重质全馏分石脑油来取代他们通常用来运转他们装置的凝析油的不足,这种产品的溢价已升至多年来的高点。 参与亚洲石脑油市场的消息人士说,韩华道达尔石化公司今年迄今为止每个月已至少购买了25万吨重质全馏分石脑油,而去年平均每个月购买15万吨。 消息人士说,其间,韩国SK创新公司麾下的子公司SK仁川石化公司购买了20万吨4月份交付的重质全馏分石脑油,而此前每个月购买12.5万吨这种产品。 重质全馏分石脑油具有更高的被称为芳烃的化合物含量,它们作为前体被用于诸如二甲苯和对二甲苯那样的石化产品中。 消息人士说,由于凝析油——一种轻质原油——的供应不足,韩国的石化企业将很有可能在今年6月份前继续购买更多的重质全馏分石脑油。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: S. Korean demand for heavy naphtha pushes premiums to multi-year highs Premiums for heavy full-range naphtha have risen to multi-year highs as South Korean petrochemical companies have turned to the product to replace a shortfall in the condensates that they typically use to run in their units, said five industry sources. Hanwha Total Petrochemical has bought at least 250,000 tonnes of heavy full-range naphtha a month so far this year versus an average of 150,000 tonnes a month in 2017, said the sources who participate in the Asian naphtha market. Meanwhile, SK Incheon Petrochem, a unit of SK Innovation, purchased 200,000 tonnes of the product for April delivery versus up to 125,000 tonnes a month previously, the sources said. Heavy full-range naphtha has a higher content of compounds known as aromatics that are used as precursors for petrochemicals such as xylenes and paraxylenes. The companies will likely keep purchasing more heavy full-range naphtha until June as a supply crunch in condensate, a type of light crude oil, the sources said.  
