

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月9日迪拜报道,国营伊拉克巴士拉石油公司总经理伊赫桑·贾巴尔周六对媒体记者说,伊拉克日前已同意5家国际工程公司竞标一个关键注水项目的第一阶段作业 ,这个项目将帮助伊拉克提高其南部油田的长期产量。 贾巴尔说,有5家国际工程公司将竞争赢得这个项目。他补充说,技术标将在本月授出。 这个公共海水供应项目(CSSP)最终将每天从波斯湾获得大约500万桶的海水,海水经过处理以后将用来注入油田。经过处理后的海水将通过管道输送到巴士拉省的6个油田。 伊拉克最大的石油生产省巴士拉省的大部分油田由国际石油公司根据技术服务合同经营,这些油田需要伊拉克政府供水来保持油田的压力。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源中旬 原文如下: Iraq shortlists five companies for critical Basrah oil fields water-injection project Iraq has shortlisted five engineering companies to bid for the first phase of a critical water-injection project that will help it boost long-term production from its southern oil fields, the director general of the state-run Basrah Oil Company told reporters Saturday.
“There are five international companies that are competing to win the project,” Ihsan Abduljabbar Ismaael said, adding that the “technical tender” will be awarded this month.
The Common Seawater Supply Project (CSSP) would ultimately take in around 5 million b/d of water from the Persian Gulf, process it for field injection, and deliver it by pipeline to a half dozen fields in Basrah province.
Most of the fields in Basrah, the country’s largest producing province, are operated by international oil companies under technical service contracts that require the government to provide water to maintain pressure.
