

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源咨询休斯敦4月6日消息,周五(4月6日)美国乙烷裂解装置利润率创下历史新低,因为现货乙烯价格也创下历史新低。 周五美国乙烷裂解装置利润率估计为7.06美分/磅(156美元/吨),创下自标准普尔全球普氏公司在2011年1月开始发布裂解装置利润率以来的最低水平。 周五美国乙烷裂解装置利润率比周四下降0.71美分/磅是因为现货乙烯价格也跌至历史最低水平,即月美国乙烯现货价格跌至14.25美分/磅(314美元/吨)FD美国墨西哥湾。这个价格创下普氏自2004年开始发布每日乙烯价格以来的最低点,比周四的15.125美分/磅的前低下跌0.875美分/磅。 张春晓 摘译自 PLATTS 原文如下: US ethane cracker margins hit record low as ethylene dips furtherHouston (Platts)–6 Apr 2018 628 pm EDT/2228 GMT US ethane cracker margins reached record lows Friday as spot ethylene pricing also slipped into uncharted territory. US ethane cracker margins were estimated at 7.06 cents/lb ($156/mt) Friday, the lowest since S&P Global Platts began publishing cracker margins in January 2011. The 0.71-cent drop came as spot ethylene prices also fell to record lows Friday, with the prompt month assessed at 14.25 cents/lb ($314/mt) FD USG. That assessment is the lowest since Platts began publishing daily ethylene prices in 2004 and down 0.875 cent from Thursday (15.125 cents/lb), the previous record low.
