中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界炼油新闻》4月2日圣保罗报道,《巴西圣保罗页报》周六刊文报道说,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)计划出售其麾下炼油厂的25%生产能力。 《巴西圣保罗页报》说,巴西国油将分两组出售其位于巴西南部和东北部炼油厂的产能。但《巴西圣保罗页报》没有提到该报是如何获得这个信息的。 巴西国油在给路透社的一份电子邮件中说,巴西国油迄今还没有对出售这些炼油厂25%产能一事作出任何决定。 李峻 编译自 世界炼油新闻 原文如下: Petrobras plans to sell a 25 pct stake in its refineries capacityWorld Refinery News Brazilian state-controlled oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA is planning the sale of a 25 percent stake in its refinery capacity, newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reported on Saturday.
Petrobras, as the company is known, would put together its refineries in two groups located in Brazil´s south and northeast, Folha said, without citing how it obtained the information.
Petrobras said in an email to Reuters that no decision has been made yet about its refineries.