中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月23日迪拜报道,科威特石油大臣和水电大臣巴希特·拉希迪周四在迪拜接受科威特国家通讯社KUNA记者采访时说,国有科威特石油公司(KPC)日前与一家国际公司签署了一项长期液化天然气(LNG)供应合同。 拉希迪没有提到这家国际公司的名字。他只是说这家国际公司是全球LNG行业的一个主要参与者。 KUNA援引拉希迪的话报道说,这项长期LNG供应协议将帮助科威特石油公司满足这个海湾阿拉伯国家对发电日益增长的需求。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Kuwait Petroleum Corp signs deal for long-term LNG supplies Kuwait’s oil minister said on Thursday that Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) had signed an agreement with an international firm for long-term supply of natural gas (LNG), state news agency KUNA reported. Bakheet al-Rashidi did not mention the name of the company, describing it as a leading player in the LNG sector. KUNA quoted him as saying the agreement would help KPC meet rising demand for power generation in the Gulf Arab state.