

中国石化新闻网讯 据委内瑞拉《石油世界》2月26日新德里报道,沙特阿拉伯石油大臣法利赫周六在新德里表示,沙特阿拉伯希望欧佩克及其盟友明年将能够放松产量限制并在减产协议在今年年底结束以后建立一个永久性框架来稳定石油市场。 作为与俄罗斯和其他非欧佩克产油国达成的减产协议的一部分,欧佩克目前每天减少大约120万桶的石油产量。 这项旨在支撑油价的协议在去年1月份开始并将在今年年底结束。 法利赫说,欧佩克及其盟友致力于为市场带来平衡和稳定,因此,他希望欧佩克明年将能够放松产量限制。 他对媒体记者说:“一项研究正在进行,一旦我们正确知道市场将平衡,我们将宣布下一步是什么。下一步可能是放松产量限制。我的估计是,它将在明年某个时间发生,但我们不知道何时发生以及我们不知道如何发生。” 李峻 编译自 石油世界 原文如下: Saudi Arabia oil minister hopes OPEC, allies can ease output curbs in 2019NEW DELHI Saudi Arabia hopes OPEC and its allies will be able to relax production curbs next year and create a permanent framework to stabilize oil markets after the current supply cut deal ends this year, its oil minister said on Saturday.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is reducing output by about 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) as part of a deal with Russia and other non-OPEC producers.
The pact, aimed at propping oil prices, began in January 2017 and will run until the end of 2018.
Saudi Arabian oil minister Khalid al-Falih said OPEC and its allies were committed to bringing balance and stability to the market and that he hoped it would be possible to ease output curbs next year.
“A study is taking place and once we know exactly what balancing the market will entail we will announce what is the next step. The next step may be easing of the production constraints,” he told reporters in New Delhi.
“My estimation is that it will happen sometime in 2019. But we don’t know when and we don’t know how”.
