

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》2月26日休斯敦报道,根据壳牌公司日前发表的年度液化天然气(LNG)展望报告,全球LNG市场去年继续超出许多市场观察人士的预测,需求量增加了2900万吨至2.93亿吨。这种强劲的需求增长符合壳牌公司在2017年发布的第一份LNG展望报告。根据目前的需求预测,壳牌公司认为,除非尽快作出新LNG生产项目承诺,否则,全球在本世纪20年代中期可能面临LNG供应短缺。 日本在2017年仍是全球最大的LNG进口国,而中国的LNG进口量在2017年超过了韩国,成为世界第二大LNG进口国。中国去年LNG总需求量得到了3800万吨,这是经济继续增长以及实施通过煤制气转换减少当地空气污染政策的一个结果。 壳牌公司综合天然气和新能源主管威瑟拉说:“我们仍将看到来自亚洲和欧洲传统进口国的巨大需求,但我们也将看到LNG向世界其他国家提供灵活、可靠和更清洁的能源供应。单单在亚洲,需求增加了1700万吨,这几乎等于世界第5大LNG出口国印度尼西亚2017年全年的LNG产量。” 在过去几十年里,LNG在全球能源体系中扮演着越来越重要的角色。自2000年以来,进口LNG国家的数目翻了两番,而供应LNG国家的数目几乎增加了一倍。LNG贸易量从2000年的1亿吨增加到了2017年的近3亿吨。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Shell sees potential LNG supply shortage as global demand surges The global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market has continued to defy expectations of many market observers, with demand growing by 29 million tonnes to 293 million tonnes in 2017, according to Shell’s annual LNG Outlook. Such strong growth in demand is consistent with Shell’s first LNG Outlook, published in 2017. Based on current demand projections, Shell sees potential for a supply shortage developing in mid-2020s, unless new LNG production project commitments are made soon. Japan remained the world’s largest LNG importer in 2017, while China moved into second place as Chinese imports surged past South Korea’s. Total demand for LNG in China reached 38 million tonnes, a result of continued economic growth and policies to reduce local air pollution through coal-to-gas switching. “We are still seeing significant demand from traditional importers in Asia and Europe, but we are also seeing LNG provide flexible, reliable and cleaner energy supply for other countries around the world,” said Maarten Wetselaar, integrated gas and new energies director at Shell. “In Asia alone, demand rose by 17 million tonnes. That’s nearly as much as Indonesia, the world’s fifth-largest LNG exporter, produced in 2017.” LNG has played an increasing role in the global energy system over the last few decades. Since 2000, the number of countries importing LNG has quadrupled and the number of countries supplying it has almost doubled. LNG trade increased from 100 million tonnes in 2000 to nearly 300 million tonnes in 2017.
