

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站2月24日休斯敦报道,借助于今年预计的19.75亿至23.75亿美元的资本支出计划以及资产出售的调整,总部设在俄克拉荷马城的切萨皮克能源公司预计今年的油气总产量同比将增加3%,其中石油产量同比将增加5%。 日前公布了去年全年和去年第四季度财务和运营业绩报告的切萨皮克能源公司预计今年其在鹰福特页岩远景区的活动将主导生产份额。切萨皮克能源公司今年在鹰福特盆地预计将投产140口井,略低于去年的166口投产井数。 统计数据显示,切萨皮克能源公司去年净收益和归于普通股股东的净利润分别为9.53亿美元和8.14亿美元。至于去年第四季度,这两个数字分别为3.34亿美元和3.09亿美元。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Chesapeake plans 3% total production rise in 2018 With a projected 2018 capital expenditures program of $1.975-2.375 billion and adjusted for asset sales, Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma City, expects total 2018 production to increase 3% year-over-year and oil volumes to rise 5% compared with 2017 levels.
The company, which reported 2017 full-year and fourth quarter 2017 financial and operational results, expects its Eagle Ford activity to dominate production share in 2018. Down slightly from the 166 wells placed on production in the Eagle Ford in 2017, 140 wells are expected in 2018, the company said. Chesapeake reported net income of $953 million and net income available to common stockholders of $813 million for 2017. For fourth-quarter 2017, Chesapeake reported net income of $334 million and net income available to common stockholders of $309 million.
