
雷普索尔同意出售Gas Natural股权

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月23日消息,西班牙雷普索尔公司周四称,公司已经达成一项协议同意以38.2亿欧元(合47亿美元),即每股19欧元将所持Gas Natural公司的20%股份出售给CVC资本合伙公司。 雷普索尔公司称,交易产生的总资本收益将约为4亿欧元。该交易将使雷普索尔完成对Gas Natural的资产剥离。 一旦该交易完成,Gas Natural的最大股东将是持有24%股权的CriteriaCaixa,以及均持有20%权益的CVC和Global Infrastructure Partners(GIP)。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Repsol Agrees to Sell 20% Stake in Gas Natural for EUR3.82 Billion Repsol SA (REP.MC) said Thursday that it has reached an agreement to sell its 20% stake in Gas Natural SDG SA (GAS.MC) to CVC Capital Partners for EUR3.82 billion euros ($4.7 billion), or EUR19 a share. Repsol said that the consolidated capital gain from the transaction, which completes its divestment from Gas Natural, will amount to about EUR400 million. Once this transaction is completed, Gas Natural’s biggest shareholders will be CriteriaCaixa–with a 24% stake–and CVC and GIP, each with 20% interests.
