中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月8日阿尔及利亚Hassi Rmel报道,阿尔及利亚国家石油公司(阿国油/Sonatrach)首席执行官卡多尔日前在Hassi Rmel说,阿国油从2018年到2022年将投资560亿美元。 卡多尔是在视察Hassi Rmel气田期间对采访他的媒体记者发表上述讲话的。他说:“我们将很快就会给出更多的细节。” 卡多尔说,阿国油日前启动了一条新的天然气管道来泵送本国西南部的几个具有年产88亿立方米天然气能力的气田所产天然气,其中包括Reggane气田、Touat气田和Timimoun气田。 受到世界油价暴跌打击的欧佩克成员国阿尔及利亚一直在努力吸引能源投资来帮助开发新油气田以及提高现有产量。 阿尔及利亚是欧洲的主要天然气供应国。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Algeria’s Sonatrach To Invest $56 Bln From 2018 To 2022 – CEO Algerian state energy firm Sonatrach will invest $56 billion from 2018 to 2022, its chief executive said on Thursday. “We will give more details very soon,” Abdelmoumen Ould Kaddour told reporters during a visit to the Hassi Rmel gas field. He spoke after launching a new gas pipeline pumping from southwestern fields including Reggane North, Touat and Timimoun with capacity of 8.8 billion cubic metres a year. “We are so proud of this project because it has been constructed 100 percent by Algerian firms,” Kaddour said. OPEC member Algeria has been hit hard by a slump in world oil prices and struggled to attract energy investment to help develop new fields and increase existing production. Algeria is a major gas supplier to Europe.