中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站2月7日科威特城报道,科威特石油大臣兼水电大臣巴希特·拉希迪日前在科威特城接受科威特媒体记者采访时表示,科威特石油日产能在明年3月底前将达到325.5万桶。 拉希迪说,根据欧佩克和非欧佩克产油国达成的减产协议,科威特目前平均每天出口大约210万桶原油,而原油日产量大约为270万桶。 拉希德在谈到美国石油产量对油价水平的影响时说,随着供应量的增加,美国增加的产量导致了市场的不平衡,这是原油价格在过去几年里疲软的原因。 拉希迪指出,美国的原油产量在今后的几个月里将继续增加。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Kuwait oil output to hit 3.2 mbpd by March Kuwait’s oil production capacity will reach 3.255 million bpd by the end of next March, Kuwait’s Oil Minister and Minister of Electricity and Water Bakheet Al-Rashidi was quoted as saying in a media report.
The volume of Kuwaiti exports of crude oil is about 2.1 mbpd, while the daily production volume is about 2.7 million barrels in line with the agreement to cut production between the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and producers from outside the cartel, Al-Rashidi was quoted in a Wam report, which cited Kuwait News Agency (Kuna).
With regard to the impact of US rock oil at price levels, he said that increased production led to imbalance of the market with the increase in supply, which contributed to the weakness of crude oil prices in previous years and other factors, pointing out that there are expectations of continued increase in rock oil production in the coming months.