

    中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月5日消息,全球最大的原油出口国沙特阿拉伯已经下调了3月份交付的大多数原油价格,但是与美国页岩油生产商进行竞争的原油品种的价格保持稳定。     沙特国家石油公司(沙特阿美)在公告中称,公司已经下调了针对欧洲市场3月份交付的所有原油的官方销售价格,下调范围为20美分/桶至1.7美元/桶。     沙特阿美还将出口美国市场的重质和中质原油价格下调10美分/桶,同时将出口亚洲市场的重质原油和中质原油价格分别下调30美分/桶和25美分/桶。     沙特阿美出口亚洲市场和美国市场的轻质原油价格没有变化,同时增加了超轻质原油官方销售价格。这些品种的原油直接与美国原油进行竞争。     张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯     原文如下:     DJ Saudis Cut Most of Their Oil Prices     Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter of crude oil, has lowered most prices for its oil in March but kept steady the price of crude that competes with U.S. shale producers.
    In a statement, state-owned Saudi Arabian Oil Co., known as Saudi Aramco, said it cut official pricing for all grades in Europe for March deliveries, with reductions ranging from 20 cents to $1.70 a barrel.
    It also lowered prices for its heavy and medium crudes to the U.S., both by 10 cents per barrel, and by 30 cents and 25 cents for those grades in Asia.
    Aramco didn’t change the price of its light crude and increased it for extra light in both Asia and the U.S. Those grades compete most directly with American oil.
