中国石化新闻网讯 据Gas Processing News网站1月22日休斯敦报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)的2018年1月短期能源展望报告预测,天然气在今后至少两年时间里仍将是美国发电的主要能源来源。 燃气发电厂供应的总电量比例预计将从2017年的32%分别增加到2018年的平均33%和2019年的平均34%。EIA预计数十年来一直是发电主要原料的煤炭的发电量比例将从2017年的30%持平到2018年并减少到2019年的平均28%。 为了应对燃料成本的变化以及可再生能源技术的发展,用于发电的的能源结构将继续改变。自2015年以来,用于发电的天然气成本一般在每百万英国热量单位3.5美元或者更少,预计2019年将保持在这个水平左右。 EIA预计,未来两年内,天然气发电成本将对燃煤发电成本保持相对竞争力。 李峻 编译自 Gas Processing News 原文如下: EIA forecasts natural gas to remain primary energy source for electricity generation EIA’s January 2018 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) forecasts that natural gas will remain the primary source of U.S. electricity generation for at least the next two years. The share of total electricity supplied by natural gas-fired power plants is expected to average 33% in 2018 and 34% in 2019, up from 32% in 2017. EIA expects the share of generation from coal, which had been the predominant electricity generation fuel for decades, to average 30% in 2018 and 28% in 2019, compared with 30% in 2017. The mix of energy sources used for producing electricity generation continues to shift in response to changes in fuel costs and the development of renewable energy technologies. Since 2015, the cost of natural gas delivered to electric generators has generally averaged $3.50 per MMBtu or less, and it is expected to remain near this level through 2019. EIA expects the cost of natural gas for electricity generation to remain relatively competitive with coal-fired electricity over the next two years.