中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡1月24日消息,随着布伦特油价的持续上涨,欧洲石油出口亚洲市场的套利窗口正在逐步关闭,2018年初运往亚洲市场的欧洲原油装载量已降至四年来的最低点。在这种情况下,亚洲炼油商需要寻找别的原油来弥补来自于欧洲的原油供应减少,因此与布伦特原油类似的中东和俄罗斯原油价格出现上涨。 汤森路透的贸易流量数据显示,1月份北海和地中海地区出口亚洲市场的原油装载量大幅减少至760万桶,与2017年1月份的1700万桶相比还不到一半。这表明欧洲基准的布伦特原油较中东基准的迪拜原油的溢价扩大,这一价差用来权衡从欧洲至亚洲的套利船货经济可行性。 汤森路透的数据显示,2017年11月份布伦特/迪拜原油的月度平均价差扩大至3美元/桶以上,这是自2016年6月以来首次。该价差在这一水平时,套利交易窗口被认为关闭。2017年中期时,该价差曾缩窄至不到1美元/桶。 唐绍红 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Rising Brent crude price shuts window on European oil exports to Asia European crude oil loadings bound for Asia have dropped to their lowest in four years at the start of 2018 as rising Brent prices shut the arbitrage window, causing the premiums of similar Middle Eastern and Russian grades to rise as refiners make up the shortfall. The volume of crude loading in the North Sea and the Mediterranean for Asia slumped in January to 7.6 million barrels, less than half of the 17 million barrels in January 2017, Thomson Reuters trade flow data showed. The monthly average of the Brent-Dubai spread widened in November to above $3 a barrel, a level where the arbitrage window is considered shut, for the first time since June 2016, Thomson Reuters data showed. In mid-2017 that spread narrowed to below $1.