

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯Oil & Gas Eurasia网站1月19日莫斯科报道,根据俄罗斯能源部公布的最新统计数据,俄罗斯位于东西伯利亚地区的巨型油田万科尔油田(Vankor oilfield)去年的产量同比下降了15%。 俄罗斯能源部旗下的CDU-TEK统计局上周报告说,去年万科尔大油田的石油产量从一年前的2070万吨(41.5万桶/天)大幅下降到了1760万吨(35.3万桶/天)。 万科尔油田的石油生产由俄罗斯国有石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)在2009年底启动,这个油田自那以后一直是东西伯利亚石油产量增长的一个驱动力。到2015年初,这个油田最初估计拥有4.76亿吨(35亿桶)液体和1730亿立方米天然气的可采储量。尽管产量在以后的两年里出现下降,但这个油田的产量在2014年迅速增加到了2200万吨/年(44万桶/天)的最高点。 俄油的官员曾警告说,这个大油田的年产量在2020年前很有可能暴跌到只有1300万吨(26.1万桶/天)。 李峻 编译自 Oil & Gas Eurasia 原文如下: Vankor Sees Production Slide by 15% in 2017 Output at the giant Vankor oilfield in Eastern Siberia dipped by 15% last year, according to data published by the Russian Energy Ministry. The ministry’s CDU-TEK statistics unit reported last week that oil production at the deposit had fallen to 17.6 million tonnes (353,000 bpd) in 2017, from 20.7 million tonnes (415,000 bpd) a year earlier. Vankor was launched by state-owned Rosneft in late 2009, and since then the field has been a driving force for production growth in Eastern Siberia. Its initial recoverable reserves were estimated at 476 million tonnes (3.5 billion barrels) of liquids and 173 bcm of natural gas at the start of 2015. Output rapidly grew to a peak of 22 million tpy (440,000 bpd) in 2014, although decline set in two years later. Officials at Rosneft have warned that production is likely to slump to just 13 million tpy (261,000 bpd) by 2020.
