

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月18日消息,航运跟踪公司Kpler表示,2018年前两周,欧佩克原油出口量已经大幅增加,主要是受到来自于伊拉克和尼日利亚供应的增加,这突显了欧佩克在维持减产配额高遵守率方面面临的挑战。Kpler表示,2018年前两周,欧佩克国家海运石油出口量平均为2690万桶/日,比2017年12月4日开始的四周平均水平增加了228万桶/日。2018年前两周,来自于伊拉克南部港口的原油出口量增加了22.5万桶/日,部分是由于伊拉克炼油厂进入检修季,伊拉克方面尝试弥补损失的产量。尼日利亚的原油出口量增加26.8万桶/日升至205万桶/日,这是自去年11月初以来首次超过200万桶/日。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: 2018 OPEC Exports Boosted by Iraqi and Nigerian Shipments OPEC’s crude exports have risen sharply in the first two weeks of 2018 on rising supplies from Iraq and Nigeria, shipping tracker Kpler says, underscoring the challenges faced by the cartels in maintaining high compliance to agreed production curbs. Through the first two weeks of 2018, seaborne export volumes leaving OPEC countries averaged 26.9M barrels per day, an increase of 2.28M barrels per day higher than the four-week average between weeks-starting Dec 4, 2017, Kpler says. Iraqi crude volumes leaving from the nation’s southern ports rose by 225,000 bpd. due in part to Iraqi seasonal refinery maintenance and attempts to make up for lost production. Nigerian exports have pushed above 2M bpd. for the first time since early November of last year to 2.05M bpd. and an increase of 268,000 bpd.  
