中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社斯德哥尔摩1月17日报道,伦丁石油公司(Lundin Petroleum, Lundin Petroleum)很高兴地宣布,其全资子公司伦丁挪威石油公司(Lundin Norway)在2017年挪威新一轮许可证招标中获得了总共14个勘探许可权益(获得了预先确定区域,APA)。 这一最高记录的获得包括了北海的6个许可证、4个挪威海的许可证以及4个在巴伦支海南部的许可证。 其中6个颁发的许可证将由伦丁挪威公司运营。 蔡小全 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: Lundin awarded 14 licenses in Norwegian licensing round Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary Lundin Norway AS (Lundin Norway) has been awarded a total of 14 exploration license interests in the 2017 Norwegian licensing round (Awards in Predefined Areas, APA). The record-high award includes six licences in the North Sea, four licences in the Norwegian Sea and four licences in the southern Barents Sea. Six of the awarded licenses will be operated by Lundin Norway.