

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》1月15日阿布扎比报道,科威特石油公司(KPC)总经理瓦法·扎阿比日前在阿布扎比举行的大西洋理事会全球能源论坛上表示,科威特计划在今后的5年里向油气领域投资1120亿美元来提高油气产量。 扎阿比说,在石油领域,这个海湾国家在2020年前将把产能从目前的320万桶/天的水平提高到400万桶/天。“我们将在科威特和国外的石油领域进行投资。我们的投资战略是上游、下游和石化领域的增长。”扎阿比如是说。 扎阿比补充说,在天然气领域,科威特在今年年中前将把天然气日产量从2亿立方英尺提高到5亿立方英尺。 她说,科威特还将在亚洲国家的炼油和石化领域寻找投资机会以及在美国和加拿大实施两个炼油项目。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Kuwait to invest $112b to boost oil and gas production Kuwait is planning to invest $112 billion (Dh411 billion) in the next five years in the oil and gas sector to boost production, managing director of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation said. In the oil sector, the Gulf country will increase production capacity from the current levels of 3.2 million barrels per day to four million barrels per day by 2020, said Wafaa Yousuf Al Zaabi speaking at Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi on Friday. “We are investing in Kuwait as well as outside the country. Our strategy is growth in upstream, downstream and petrochemicals sectors.” In the natural gas, Kuwait will increase production from 200 million bcf (billion cubic feet) per day to 500 million bcf per day by mid of this year, to one billion bcf by 2020 and to 2.5 billion bcf by 2040. It is also seeking opportunities in Asian countries in refining and petrochemical sectors and is implementing two projects in the US and Canada, she added.
