

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站1月15日德州奥斯汀报道,澳大利亚矿业巨头必和必拓公司日前宣布,该公司将不再继续其在特立尼达和多巴哥(特多)的两个深水区块的第二阶段勘探作业。 两个深水区块——位于特多东南海岸以外的特多深水大西洋区域7和位于东北海岸以外的区域23(b)——的第一阶段勘探作业已在去年第四季度期满。 必和必拓公司在一份声明中说,该公司与其合作伙伴已经完成了这两份产量分成合同规定的所有最低勘探作业义务并选择了不再继续进行第二阶段勘探作业。 必和必拓公司没有详细说明其退出第二阶段勘探作业的原因。 必和必拓公司是特多国内海上探区最大拥有者之一。自2016年以来,必和必拓公司一直在特多的几个区块内进行主要的深水油气钻井作业。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: BHP Billiton opts against further exploration of two deepwater blocks in Trinidad Australia’s BHP Billiton said Thursday it will not proceed with the second phase of exploration activity in two of its deepwater blocks in Trinidad and Tobago.
The first phase of exploration for two blocks — Trinidad and Tobago Deep Atlantic Area 7, off the twin-island nation’s southeast coast, and 23 (b), off the northeast coast — expired in the fourth quarter of last year.
“BHP and its co-venturers had completed all of the minimum exploration work obligations for these two PSCs and elected not to enter into the second phase of the exploration periods,” the company said in a statement.
The company did not elaborate on why it opted out of the second phase.
BHP Billiton is one of the biggest holders of offshore acreage in Trinidad and has been conducting a major deepwater oil and gas drilling campaign in several of its blocks since 2016.
