

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月11日新加坡/新德里消息,根据印度政府统计数据显示,2017年印度石油消费增速创过去四年来最慢水平。受政府废止大面额货币流通及提高税收举措影响,2017年印度石油消费增速回落至2.3%。 印度去年新车销售情况虽然有所改善,但依然疲弱,也削弱印度石油需求。 美国银行摩根士丹利在写给客户的一份报告中表示:“受大面额货币流通废止及新增消费税影响,去年印度石油需求增速大幅回落。” 能源咨询公司FGE预计2018年印度石油需求将增长4.3%。 FGE资深石油分析师Senthil Kumaran表示:“2018年印度燃料需求将出现反弹,因为政府的政策刺激和经济增速将加快。” 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India’s fuels consumption expected to rebound in 2018 Indian oil consumption in 2017 grew at its slowest in four years, according to government statistics, hit by the government’s demonetisation move and a tax increase that knocked the gain in fuel use back to a modest 2.3%. The low growth also coincided with another year of weak, albeit improving, new vehicle sales. Last year’s oil demand was held back “by headwinds from demonetisation and a new goods and services tax,” U.S. bank Morgan Stanley said in a note to clients. For 2018, energy consultancy FGE expects India’s oil demand growth to improve to 4.3%. “India’s fuel demand will rebound in 2018 because of policy initiatives by the government and the country’s economic expansion,” said Senthil Kumaran, senior oil analyst at FGE.
