

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯1月9日伦敦报道,令人惊愕的债务,破碎不堪的设备和基础设施以及大量工人的辞职已经使委内瑞拉的石油工业倒退了数十年,而专家们说他们看不到任何好转的前景。 根据周一发布的最新标普全球普氏能源资讯欧佩克调查,委内瑞拉原油日产量在12月份暴跌到了170万桶。 这个产量水平表示委内瑞拉原油产量自去年11月份以来平均每天下降了10万桶。这个产量水平是过去15多年里没有看到过的低水平。2002年12月到2003年2月的大罢工曾显著影响了石油产量。 不包括受罢工影响的几个月,委内瑞拉上个原油产量低点是在28年前的1989年8月。 这个国家的消息人士日前说,委内瑞拉石油部长兼委内瑞拉国家石油公司新总裁曼努埃尔·克维多在去年年底在所谓的腐败清洗中解雇了数名高层公司官员。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Venezuela’s oil production plummets amid chaos and industry defections Staggering debt, crumbling equipment and infrastructure, and mass worker resignations, have set back Venezuela’s oil industry decades, with experts saying they see scant prospects of any turnaround.
Venezuelan crude output plummeted in December to 1.70 million b/d, according to the latest S&P Global Platts OPEC survey released Monday.
The output level represented a decline of 100,000 b/d from November and a low not seen for more than 15 years, when a major strike from December 2002 to February 2003 hobbled production.
Not counting strike-affected months, Venezuela’s production was last this low in August 1989, more than 28 years ago.
Sources in the country say new PDVSA President Manuel Quevedo, a brigadier general in the National Guard who was also named the country’s oil minister in November, sacked several high-level company officials in a so-called corruption purge at the end of the year and these people have yet to be replaced.
