中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月9日东京报道,日本昭和壳牌石油公司(昭和壳牌)上周晚些时候曾表示,该公司麾下炼油厂今年第一季度为国内市场炼制的原油数量将比去年同期减少5%,这符合国内需求的前景。 昭和壳牌说,该公司麾下的4个炼油厂今年第一季度将精炼735万千升(51.37万桶/天)原油。这4个炼油厂共具有日加工58.8万桶原油的能力。 昭和壳牌没有公布第一季度用于出口市场的炼油量。4个炼油厂分别是昭和壳牌的25.5万桶/天的四日市炼油厂,子公司Toa石油公司的7万桶/天的京滨炼油厂,子公司西武石油公司的12万桶/天的山口市炼油厂以及富士石油公司经营的14.3万桶/天的袖浦炼油厂,昭和壳牌拥有这个炼油厂的6.6%股份。 昭和壳牌的一名女发言人说,该公司第一季度没有炼油厂要进行维修。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Japan’s Showa Shell sees Q1 crude refining down 5% Japan’s Showa Shell Sekiyu KK said late last week that its group refineries would refine 5 percent less crude for the local market in January-March than the same time a year ago, in line with the outlook for domestic demand. Showa Shell said its four group refineries would refine 7.35 million kilolitres (513,700 barrels per day) of crude in the first quarter of the year. They have a total capacity of 588,000 bpd. Refining volumes for export markets were not released. The four group refineries are: Showa Shell’s 255,000-bpd Yokkaichi plant, unit Toa Oil’s 70,000-bpd Keihin plant, affiliate Seibu Oil’s 120,000-bpd Yamaguchi refinery and a 143,000-bpd Sodegaura refinery operated by Fuji Oil in which Showa Shell has a 6.6-percent stake. There will be no group refinery maintenance during the three months, a Showa Shell spokeswoman said.