中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月9日阿姆斯特丹报道,荷兰经济大臣埃里克周一在阿姆斯特丹表示,格罗宁根大气田的天然气产量在本届政府到2021年的任期内应当“尽可能多地”减少。 荷兰经济大臣是在周一早些时候发生了一次震级为3.4级地震后对媒体记者发表上述讲话的。周一3.4级地震是最近几年里震级最高的地震。 每年由数十年天然气开采造成的数十次地震造成了成千上万建筑物和房屋受损并引起了政府政策的喜剧性的转变旨在限制产出。 埃里克说,由马克·吕特首相领导的荷兰新联合政府日前已同意把格罗宁根大气田的天然气产量从目前的216亿立方米减少到大约200亿立方米。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Dutch minister says reduce output at Groningen gas field by “as much as possible” The Dutch minister for the economy said on Monday that output at the large Groningen gas field should be reduced “by as much as possible” during the current government term through 2021. Eric Wiebes made the comment following a magnitude 3.4 tremor earlier on Monday that was the largest in recent years. Dozens of earthquakes every year, resulting from decades of gas extraction, have caused damage to thousands of buildings and homes and prompted a dramatic shift in government policy now aimed at capping output. The new coalition government under Prime Minister Mark Rutte has already agreed to reduce output to around 20 Billion cubic metres (Bcm) from a current 21.6 bcm.