中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月5日休斯敦报道,由于美国墨西哥湾沿岸炼油厂对重质原油的需求增加以及加拿大等级原油和美国基准原油之间的价差扩大,加拿大今年通过铁路出口到美国的原油数量可能增加60%以上。 据Tudor,Pickering,Holt & Co.公司分析师估计,加拿大在今年年底前可能每天通过铁路向美国运送35万桶原油并在2019年达到平均日运送大约40万桶原油。根据美国政府公布的统计数据,去年,加拿大平均每天通过铁路向美国出口了13万桶原油。 由于委内瑞拉和墨西哥原油产量下降,位于美国墨西哥湾沿岸的美国炼油厂一直在用加拿大原油取代来自委内瑞拉和墨西哥的重质原油。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Rail Shipments of Canadian Oil to US Seen Rising Over 60 Pct Canadian crude shipments to the United States by rail could rise more than 60 percent this year on demand by Gulf Coast refiners for the heavy crudes and the wide differential between Canadian grades and the U.S. benchmark. The rail shipments could reach as much as 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) by year end and average some 400,000 bpd in 2019, estimated analysts at Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Last year, the shipments averaged 130,000 bpd, according to U.S. government data. Canadian crudes have been replacing heavy oil from Venezuela and Mexico at the Gulf Coast, due to production declines in both countries.