中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月2日消息,巴克莱银行表示,2017年10月份美国石油进口量创下自2015年以来的最低水平。该行表示,10月份美国来自于沙特的原油进口量降至56万桶/日,创下几十年来的新低。沙特已经在积极地减少对美国的原油出口,但是10月份美国来自于委内瑞拉的原油进口量也出现大幅减少,因为委内瑞拉的石油产量遭遇了更多的中断。据数据显示,10月份委内瑞拉出口美国的原油量降至51万桶/日。巴克莱银行表示,与此同时,10月份美国石油和炼油燃料出口量大幅增加218万桶/日升至716万桶/日。其中石油出口量达到创纪录的170万桶/日,出口国家达到22个。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: October Oil Imports Fall to Lowest Level Since 2015
US petroleum imports fell to their lowest level since 2015 during the month of October, according to Barclays. Crude shipments from Saudi Arabia dropped to 560,000 barrels a day, a new multi-decade low, the bank says. Saudi has actively reduced cargos to the US, but shipments of oil from Venezuela were also down sharply as that country’s output suffers more setbacks. Venezuelan crude imports fell to 510,000 barrels a day during October, according to federal data. American exports of oil and refined fuel jumped in October by 2.18M barrels a day, year on year, to reach 7.16M barrels a day, Barclays says. Driving the move higher was a huge uptick in American oil exports, which reached a record 1.7M barrels a day, with cargos moving to 22 countries.