

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月2日消息,盛宝银行大宗商品策略主管Ole Hansen表示,受伊朗抗议等地缘政治担忧的支撑,石油价格已经达到2014以来的最高水平,但对冲基金持有的多头头寸,美国不断上升的产量以及美国和中国需求的担忧仍然将给油价带来下行的风险。他表示,因此布伦特原油更可能在50至60美元/桶之间,而不是60至70美元/桶之间。他指出:“我们对2018的中国经济也有一些担忧,最终可能导致需求增长低于预期。美国驾车者面临燃油价格上涨也可能引发需求放缓。” 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Faces Downside Risks From Rising US Output, Demand Concerns Oil prices have reached their highest level since 2014 over geopolitical concerns such as protests in Iran. But long positions held by hedge funds, rising U.S. production and concerns over demand in the U.S. and China still carry a downside risk for prices, says Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank. Brent crude is therefore more likely to trade between $50 and $60 than between $60 and $70, he says. “We also have some concerns about the Chinese economy in 2018 that ultimately could lead to lower than expected demand growth,” he says. “US motorists being faced with rising fuel costs could also trigger a slowdown in demand.”
